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10/4/21 Rep Council Minutes

Writer's picture: Erinn WashburnErinn Washburn

RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda

Redwood City Teachers’ Association Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their families, and the community of Redwood City.

1. Call meeting to order at: 3:35 pm

2. Land Acknowledgement: We recognize the original stewards of this land we live and work on; The Ramaytush Ohlone Nations. May we learn to take as good care of it as they did.

In the Land of My Ancestors (10 minute short)

3. Roll Call- Elected Site Representatives (✓ present)

Adelante Selby-Rita Melton and Yesenia Bravo

Roy Cloud-Belinda Mendez and Maureen McPeek

Roosevelt-Kohlby Hong and Chris Holm ✓✓

Hoover-Kevin Sugar✓

Clifford- Jennifer Tanti Victoria Defouw will report back

Orion-Jackie Kroner and Brian Howell

North Star-Jacob Havey and Brenda Whitla-Pinto ✓✓

Garfield-Anum Khan

MIT-Susanne Pillay

Kennedy-Cindy Meek

Taft-Kerry Benjamin and Kim Combs

Henry Ford-Angie Teupel and Sandra Covacha ✓✓

SDC Preschool - Bernadette Garcia

Preschool - Aida Ortiz ✓

Independent Study- Rebecca Robinson

Staff Development- Ann Berljafa ✓

4. Approval of the Minutes

No objection to approval of 9/13/21 Minutes by Rep Council

4. Committee Reports

Treasurer's Report-Steve Murray

Proposed Budgets and Dues for 2021-22

With Arbitration: $180 dues/month

  • Stipends for governance is about $18,000 per year

  • Budgeted $6,000 for CTA conferences

  • Rep Council budget $2,500 for various perks for elected Rep Council members

  • About $22,000 for membership programs like elections, organizing (social events), equity/human rights, and donations.

*$15 more per month, but includes CTA arbitration support

Without Arbitration $165 dues/month

  • Budget items are the same, or similar, but this budget comes out lower because it doesn’t include CTA arbitration support for our paying members.

We will be voting on the budget at the next Rep Council meeting

Questions from Rep Council:

  • How many times have we needed arbitration in the past?

    • Once or twice in the past years.

    • Without arbitration, RCTA would have to cover the costs which costs around $50,000-60,000

    • The $15/month increase in dues would cover the arbitration

RCTA is still working on another Budget for 2022-23 (adding 0.25 president release time)

Union Dues discrepancy. RCTA-$165 Payroll-$112

  • There has been a weird issue with payroll, where they did not get the memo that our dues were at $165, we’ve only been paying $112

  • There will not be any back pay for the discrepancy, but we will see the changes reflected on upcoming paychecks.

  • Can non-paying RCTA members still get CTA benefits, including arbitration support?

- Erinn Washburn will follow back with an answer after reaching out to our CTA rep, Greg

  • Can our teachers from Spain get CTA membership?

    • Some have been told they cannot be members by someone in the district.

Organizing Committee: Kevin Sugar

New Member mixer report

21 people RSVP

45 people showed up

Food & Drinks $1164.26

CPR training report

75 people signed up

50 showed up

We paid half, RCSD paid for the other half!

RCTA Lunches Erinn Washburn

*Site Reps: Please remind teachers to fill out their RCTA updated contact form, or else they will not get sandwiches

Hoover: Monday, Sep 27, 202119 lunch boxes-$265.55

Garfield: Tuesday, Oct 5, 2021

Clifford: Monday, October 18, 2021

Adelante Selby: Monday, October 25


Taft: Tue. Nov. 2

MIT: Mon. Nov. 8

Orion: Tues. Nov. 16

Roosevelt: Mon. Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving week)

Kenedy: Tues. Nov. 30

Henry Ford: Mon. Dec. 6

Roy Cloud: Mon. Dec. 13

North Star: Tues Dec. 14

Holiday Mixer: Friday, December 3rd. More info to follow

  • Jen Tanti, Joan Solari and Kevin Sugar will be reporting back soon with more information.

  • Kevin Sugar has connections for free live music!

Kevin needs more support organizing events!

Membership Committee:-Christina Granato

-Address changes for CTA database-Christina Granato

**Make sure you add yourself to your site contact list**

Human Rights and Equity Committee:

We have GSAs and advisors on all campuses with middle schools!

There will be an optional training for teachers on November 3rd from 3:30-5:00-sign up on Liz’s newsletter.

10/29-31 LGBTQ+ issues in schools Palm Springs register

RCTA paying for 2, RCSD paying for 2

* These 4 spots are full, but their are CTA grants if you are also interested in going

11/5-7 Special Education Conference (online only) register


Climate Committee

What has been added to your workload that was not there in 2019?

  • Add your issues and concerns to the link above for Workload Issues

    • The more we can share, the more we have to report back to climate committee

    • IEP/SST information isn’t being shared to independent study clearly

    • No subs; sites are pulling teachers out of their preps to sub for other teachers

Site Reps: Email Erinn Washburn a breakdown of your day to day for a week. This can help Erinn make a numbers case to the climate committee. Create a “timesheet” that logs your minutes in contracted hours, and after/before hours time spent.

Want to join a committee?

Elections Committee

Organizing Committee

Equity and Human Rights-Ethnic Minorities Committee

Want to start a committee?

Retirement and Benefits- Organize events to inform members about STRS and CTA benefits.

Community Outreach- Collaborate with community partners to bring services to students and staff.

Parent Liaison- Create relationships with PTO and School Site Council members

6. Announcements

  • In November there will be a survey to find out your thoughts on the two days of conferences before Thanksgiving.

-Available Leaves for certificated employees

-Up to date salary schedule

7. Member Concerns:

  • So many concerns about prep, workload, and student behaviors

  • Sites have extended school days this year, days are long right now, and are not always developmentally appropriate, ESPECIALLY this year where students' stamina is not comparable to past years.

  • Aides and subs are in shortage, necessary services are not being provided.

  • Student behaviors are off the charts, and it is impacting school climate, workload, and teacher mental health

  • Payroll issues for units and masters degree stipends are being withheld/delayed.

  • Student absences are extremely difficult to accommodate. Many students are out of school and unable to or unwilling to complete work independently, there is an enormous amount of work to support catch up work with students and teachers are giving up their lunch and recess breaks to support students. Does the district have guidance on how to grade, how to support, how to catch-up students who are missing school?

  • COVID notifications aren’t always coming out in a timely fashion.

Meeting adjourned at: 5:36 pm

10 minute meeting To Do’s:

1. Fill out workload issues and solutions doc.**Workload Issues and Solutions-2021**

2. Talk about committees and find members!

3. Keep contact information updated on your site contact list (use the form I shared with you so I can see updates)

4. Inform staff about RCTA lunches when your date is coming up.



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