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2/6/23 Rep Council Minutes

Writer's picture: Erinn WashburnErinn Washburn

RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda

Redwood City Teachers’ Association Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their families, and the community of Redwood City.

Monday, February 6th 2023 3:45-5:30 PM

Red Morton Community Activities Building

1400 Roosevelt Avenue

Redwood City, CA 94061

1. Call meeting to order at: 3:56 PM

2. Land Acknowledgement: We are doing this work on the unceded land of the Ohlone Nations.

Lets remember the stewards of this land before us.

3. (Need a motion) Approval of the agenda

Motion made

Jacob seconds

Agenda Approved

4. Roll call

Adelante Selby: Yesenia Bravo, Rita Melton

CDC: Ivonne Castillo

Clifford: Larry Goity

Garfield: Anastacia Stamates, Chris Taylor

Henry Ford: Sandra Covacha, Angie Teupel

Hoover: Kevin Sugar

Kennedy: Endre Balogh, Cindy Meek

MIT: Mary Jane Gertz, Rich Wallace

Northstar: Ariana Baltay, Jacob Havey

Orion: Jackie Kroner

Roosevelt: Eryn Heon, Chris Holm, Sharon Tsuchiyama

Roy Cloud: Eve Avalos, Xa Mai

SLP: Megan Klein

Taft: Kerry Benjamin, Sigrid McCarthy

Attendance Key: Present Absent

5. Approval of the Minutes

One minute of silence to review minutes

Without objection I will approve minutes

No objections

6. Site by Site 1 Minute Share-outs

Adelante Selby Reps: We really need mental health support. The needs of students are so great we do not have enough staff.

CDC Preschool Reps:

Struggling with sped. Too many to take care of. Prep time is being used for meetings

Clifford Reps: Things are going good at CLifford. All looking forward to the week off and doing report cards.

Garfield Reps: Typical january Feb. Spring Fever may have hit earlt. SPED issues: teachers not sure of what is required of them. Studnet need more help or are supposed to be transitioning to SDC class and not happening.

Henry Ford Reps: Well. Principal pushing for new ideas. Math forms for kids that went well. Contract: upset that the 2 days before Thanksgiving are being taken away.

Hoover Reps:

Kennedy Reps: a lot of student absences and when they come back they think they do not have to do the work. A lot of disrespect and talk back. No suspensions for kids that need it. They are doing positive reinforcements but still challenging.

Erinn: You can suspend students from your classroom. A clear list of ed code violations that you can suspend kids for.

Some administrators send the kids right back up.

Erinn: Unless it's a written suspension they can be sent back.

McKinley Reps:

Lost our resource teacher.

We did a unity day for the kids and it was a wonderful experience.

North Star Reps:

Winter play is coming up. Had a staff luncheon. We have a new rep for CA casualty

Orion Reps:

SDC is supposed to be mild-mod. It is not. It is a severe class. Teacher has been hit and needed medical treatment. Wanted to leave her position but the DO said they would not replace her. Principal may give her a week. Do we have a definition Of mild-mod or severe? All of the students have a Behavior Management Plan. 12 students may be 11 in the class. 5 adults 2 are nurses I believe.

Roosevelt Reps:

Roy Cloud Reps:

RCTA staff luncheon, busy month Kinder parade, really cute. 5th grade going to Outdoor Ed after break. We are starting NUA


Team is busy. Hired a preschool SLP.

Taft Reps:

Few days without kids because no electricity. Teachers got to work from home. Teachers had a child trauma double meeting. Went very well. Teachers got a lot from it. Author visit for lunar new year. Nice to see regular field trips, pancake fundraisers coming up. We lost our Psych but DO is send others up to help.

Brian Cagle response to Thanksgiving: Calendar committee I am serving on. Teachers have very little say regarding the calendar. Start date is not bargainable. CSEA has rights over 2 bargaining days. Meeting tomorrow as a neg. Team and we can ask about how bargainable those days are.

7. Committee Reports

Bargaining/Negotiations Team: Brian Cagle, Michelle Territo, Erinn Washburn, Jenn Tanti, Yesenia Bravo, Amy Barstad

Brian Cagle: We met last week. On Dec. we had our first meeting and gave all our writing proposals for a 3 year comp package. They have in the past worked towards our advantage. We heard from the district and they had written proposals and counters for us. A lot of info so we have to take a day to review all of the information. We have to be very careful with the wording.

Highlights: 2 year package 4.5 % this year 3.5% next year

Agreed to all Ap. G and added to it

They increased SLP salary schedule so that they do not have to buy contractors which is a lot more money. Starting next year.

Reject our class size proposal. Sometimes it was to just rewrite it to make sense and they do not want to change it. We said that we are not going to go back to members without any class size changes. About where we are at but we have many many other articles to go through. Have to propose counters for all of their proposals etc. We will do it tomorrow.

Member: the offer does not keep up with inflation.

Brian: Our original proposal was an increase of 15% over the 3 years. And a 3% for class reduction. It seems likely they may move on the salary increase and the class size. We have 3 days left of negs. If we can’t agree, then we may need more days.

Member: Money is a concern because it would be interesting to know how many teachers are leaving because of money.

Brian: Great ideas for an organizing committee.

Erinn: It would be great to have volunteers. At the moment we do not have volunteers for an organization committee.

Member: What percentage higher was the money from the previous year [property taxes]?

Brain: No, I do not have that information. Next year LCFS districts are getting 8.2% COLA. We are a Basic Aide district. They have a 14% reserve.

Member: Why are they lowballing us?

Brian: I can’t speak for them. Maybe we can create a committee to organize.

Erinn: Anybody interested in an organizing team

Cindy: I am

Cindy, Jacob and Angie

Member: Do the members have access to the letter Brian sent to the reps?

Yes, sent out to all members.

Calendar Committee: Brian Cagle, Erinn Washburn, Pam Barasch, Steve Murray, Anastacia Stamates

MOU signed to add to days in August. These days are now mandatory. Salary will go up a bit and will go into the Calendar.

Cindy: I feel we should have waited on that for negotiations.

Conferences will be moved…not negotiable

The DO does not want two days anymore. Not being used the best way. They may use those days as PD and will have full conference meetings. Goal setting meetings.

Tori: Will the contract be changed to reflect the days. So that we do not have to meet in October and November.


Organizing Committee: Executive Board

Need t-shirts?

Erinn: If you have members that need t-shirts, please feel free to take any if you need.

Board Meeting sign up. RCTA will pay $15 toward your meal on meeting night. Site Schedule:

Oct. 26 Nov. 9Silvia AntonelliNov. 16Erinn Washburn, Brian CagleDec. 7CliffordDec. 14CliffordJan. 11Garfield Jan. 18Roy CloudFeb. 8FordFeb. 15FordMar. 8HooverMar. 22KennedyApr. 19MITApr, 26OrionMay 10NSAMay 24RooseveltJun. 14 Jun. 21 Jun. 28

Erinn:Someone from each site goes to each meeting. We will pay for your dinner. It's nice for the board to see us there and that we care about what is going on.

Rich: Maybe we can have the school that is giving the board report attend on their night.

Great idea, where can we get that information?

Treasurer's Report: Steve Murray

Balance Checking: 41,351.77Balance Savings:50,416.67

For reimbursements, please submit receipts to Steve Murray at

Climate Committee: Anastasia Stamates, Erinn Washburn and Jacob Havey meet with John Baker, Wendy Kelly, and Janet Lawson to discuss solutions to district-wide concerns.

Report from 1/23/23 meeting

Special Ed. reminder IEP after 3 you get paid a stipend. Some discussion with the new director of SPED.

Middle School: Roosevelt only have 8

Garfield may not have a 6-8

Hoover is fine

October Conf. and what it would mean. What it will look like.

Ability to suspend a student from the classroom.

Human Rights and Equity Committee: Erinn Washburn-LGBTQ Chair, Joan Solari-Women’s Chair, Ethnic Minorities Chair-Open

Need Ethnic Minorities Chair

Awesome conferences coming up.

New Teacher conf. Coming up. (first 3 years of profession)

CTA Conf. are awesome and learn a lot

Equity and Human Rights

Grants From CTA and we also have lots of money.

MLK Scholarships and many more

Coming up:

Good Teaching North feb 3-5 at Hyatt SFO

New Educator Weekend March 10-12 Santa Clara Marriott

Equity and Human Rights March 17-19 Santa Clara Marriott

Social Organizing Committee: Belinda Mendez, Xa Mai

Nothing Coming up

State Council Report: Erinn Washburn

NEA Representative Assembly is July 2-6 in Orlando, FL

RCTA can elect 2 local delegates to attend. RCTA election timeline coming soon…

July 2-6th in Orlando Florida and we get two from RCTA to go.

Elections and will have a timeline soon.

1. Changing representative allocation for SM-2. Combining 5 more districts. Currently

3 sets are vacant. Next year, only 2 of those seats will be vacant….unless one of you

wants to join me in LA quarterly!!

2. Student Support Services Committee (librarians, nurses, counselors)

-Legislation coming to put Narcan in all schools to prevent opioid overdoses.

-Teachers will receive training.

3. Call for CTA’s immediate action to have orange anti-gun violence t-shirts made for

every CTA member. Nearly unanimously favorable vote (one small no in a room of

over 300).

Membership Committee: Cindy Meek

Nothing, all is good

Grievance Committee: Michelle Territo

It is very important that you talk to your site administrators about any problems you have at your site. Document these interactions.

If asked to go to a meeting and disciplinary action may be taken, you can have a rep. Postpone if necessary.

Joan will order cards for what to say if asked to attend a disciplinary meeting alone.

Benefits Committee: Ann Barlijafa,

To set up your site visit contact:

Norma Alfaro-California Casualty 650-290-1518

Michael Moore-Provident Credit Union 800-632-4600 ext. 2612

Set up a time with the benefits vendors to come to your site. Order lunch for your members. RCTA will reimburse you. Try to keep it at $15 per person. Save your receipts and email them to to receive your reimbursement check.

How do I set up a luncheon for my members? Try this.

Political Action Committee: Jacob Havey

No Info

9. Announcements:

-If you have covid, ask about options to work from home.

-The minutes for this meeting will be posted in the blog section of

-RSP teacher caseload is 28. Teachers must sign a waiver to go over this limit. That waiver is VOLUNTARY.

Can get paid for a zero period if you take 4 kids over.

Meeting adjourned at:

10 minute meeting/Leadership Team To Do’s:

1. Someone not getting union emails? Have them sign up here: RCTA contact For

2. Set up a staff lunch paid for by RCTA.

3. Sign people up to go to board meetings.

4. Give t-shirts to those who still need one.

5. Consider participation in State Council or the National Representative Assembly.


Meeting End time:5:21

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