RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda
Redwood City Teachers’ Association Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their families, and the community of Redwood City.
1. Call meeting to order at: 3:38
2. Land Acknowledgment: With gratitude, we recognize that we practice this work on the traditional homelands of the Ramaytush Ohlone Nations. Intertribal Friendship House
Voice (bylaw update)
Understand your Contract
Connection between sites
4. Establish temporary site reps:
1. Get ALL RCTA contact information (Google Form collected through school email)
2. Recruit permanent site reps for election
3. Set up CTA/RCTA bulletin board (materials provided)
4. 10 minute meetings on site
Adelante Selby Rita Melton and Yesenia Bravo
Roy Cloud Belinda Mendez
Roosevelt Kohlby Hong
Hoover Kevin Sugar
Clifford Jennifer Tanti
Orion Jackie Kroner
North Star Brian Cagle
Garfield Anum Khan
MIT Susanne Pillay
Kennedy Cindy Meek
Taft Kerry Benjamin and Kim Combs
Henry Ford Angie Teupel and Sandra Covacha
SDC Preschool Bernadette Garcia
Independent Study Rebecca Robinson
5. Committee Reports
Elections Committee **Members needed**
- Special Elections for Executive Board (temporary positions for the 21-22 school year)
Vice President: The RCTA Vice President position assists with President and replaces
the president in case of emergency. They help the President, works with the bargaining
team, and often sits on various committees to bring our voices to RCSD Superintendent
and Deputy Superintendent.
Corresponding Secretary: The RCTA Corresponding Secretary tracks RCTA member
information, contacts and runs our emails to members. If you are good with words and
keeping messages short and sweet, this is a great opportunity for you to join your RCTA
Executive Board!
Full Description of positions in the RCTA bylaws
Timeline for Executive Board Special Election (For VP and Corresponding Secretary)
August 31: Declaration of Candidacy (rctaprez@rctacares.com)
September 1: Acknowledgment
Sept.1-8: Campaign (rctaprez@rtctacares.com)
Sept. 9-13: Secure Vote (electronic) to membership
Sept. 14: Result Announcement
Site Rep Elections
(Looking for 1 rep per 10 teachers, per site, preferable by grade clusters)
August 27: Declaration of Candidacy (rctatreasury@rctacares.com)
Aug. 30-Sept. 3: Google Form Vote by site (school emails)
Sept. 7: Result Announcement
Site Reps are responsible for reporting the information from the RCTA meetings back to their sites each month in a 10-minute meeting, and ensuring site concerns are brought back to RCTA Rep Council Meetings!
Who’s in your RCTA Executive Board
President: Erinn Washburn rctaprez@rctacares.com
Vice President: vacant (Joan Solari!!!)
Recording Secretary: Kohlby Hong rctarecordingsec@rctacares.com
Corresponding Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: Steve Murray rctatreasury@rctacares.com
Bargaining Chair: Brian Cagle
Grievance Chair: Michelle Territo rctagrievance@rctacares.com
Organizing Committee: Kevin Sugar nevikragus@gmail.com
CPR training Saturday, Sept 25, 2021 (50 people)
Need a sign up form
RCTA Lunches
Milestone Celebration
Mid-year Mixer
Retirement Party
Membership Committee: Christina Granato ms.granato26@gmail.com
-Address changes for CTA database
6. Announcements
Remind parents to sign consent forms to allow students to be tested.
Thursday afternoons are now uninterrupted prep time. Staff meetings will be held after school hours. As per the contract, administration is only allowed 30 meetings/year @ 1 hr. 15 min each.
Covid Leaves and Accommodations (SB 95-cutoff Sept. 30, 2021)
Do other illnesses/symptoms awaiting negative tests come out of our sick days?
7. Member Concerns
Covid Leaves and Accommodations (SB 95-cutoff Sept. 30, 2021)
Do other illnesses/symptoms awaiting negative tests come out of our sick days?
Mandated Wellness Forms for Students:
What is the purpose of the screening forms if some students aren’t even bringing their forms?
It seems that the contact tracing process for students isn’t being taken seriously.
Parents refuse to pick up their kids? Ill/symptomatic students who can’t get picked up should not be sent back to classrooms.
Students who test positive need to be quarantined for 10 days for students.
What are the protocols for teachers and students when exposed to another student in class who tested positive?
The 10 day Async plans from Liz Wolfe’s Newsletter
Grievance is working with Wendy Kelly for further guidance. The purpose of the 10 days was to keep kids who could work, not fall behind, but 10 async days seems like busy work if created now.
Super Minimum PD Days:
Don’t count towards the staff meeting counts (30 meetings/year @ 1 hr. 15 min each)
Anything that goes beyond your regular work day is required to be paid out to members for the “spill-over” time.
Meeting adjourned at:
5:02 pm
10 minute meeting To Do’s:
1. Collect Contact Information (especially personal emails)
2. Site Rep: Candidates need to send names to Steve Murray by August 27 (rctatreasury@rctacares.com)
3. Inform members of special elections (check social and promotions inbox tabs)
4. Invite to mixer on September 17th (ESPECIALLY NEW FOLKS) RSVP
Web: rctacares.com Facebook: @redwoodcityteachersassociation