RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda
Redwood City Teachers’ Association Rep. Council RCTA Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their
families, and the community of Redwood City.
Monday, February 1, 2021 4:00-5:30PM (Zoom)
1. Call meeting to order at: 4:02 pm
2. Land Acknowledgment: With gratitude, we practice this work on the traditional lands of the Ohlone Nations. Intertribal Friendship House
3. A moment of silence for Deborah Hinojosa, a former Roosevelt teacher and her husband who both recently passed away from Covid.
4. Roll Call Site Reps: (✓present)
Rita Melton-Adelante/Selby ✓
Yessenia Bravo-Adelante/Selby ✓
Sandy Hoover-Clifford Carol Marque will report back to Clifford
Anyone from Garfield? Anum Khan will report back to Garfield
Sandra Covacha-Henry Ford ✓
Angie Teupel-Henry Ford ✓
Kevin Sugar-Hoover ✓
Julie Gordon-Kennedy
Ann Berljafa(> Jackie Kroner?)-Orion and Staff Development ✓✓
Susanne Pillay-McKinley
Brenda Whitla-Pinto-North Star
Chris Holm-Roosevelt
Maureen McPeek-Roosevelt ✓
Belinda Mendez-Roy Cloud ✓
Kim Combs-Taft ✓
Aida Ortiz-CDC
Bernadette Garcia-SDC preschool
Lisa Cox-Nurses ✓
Diana Ayllon- Nurses ✓
5. Review and Approve 12/7/20 Minutes
Motion to approve the 1/11/21 minutes by Erinn Washburn
Approved without objection
6. Committee Reports
Organizing: Kevin Sugar
-Loan Forgiveness Talk with Sean Mabey
March 1st 4:15pm NEA’s Sean Mabey is coming to RCTA (virtually) to discuss debt/loan forgiveness for teachers!
Sean will speak for about 30 minutes during RCTA’s rep council meeting (same day)
Retirement: Ann Berljafa
-Virtual Retirement Party: June 7th, 2021
RCTA typically likes to hold dinner parties for our retirees. This year, like last, is impacted by COVID. We are looking for members to support Ann Berlijafa in efforts to shower our retirees with gift cards and goodies to send them off with love and appreciation.
If you, or someone you know in RCSD is retiring, please let us know.
Human Rights and Equity
-LGBTQ+ Book Club for teachers
Erinn is hosting a new LGBTQ book club for members. Stipends or PGEC Units available in addition to a copy of the book for yourself provided by RCSD
Parent Liaisons
State Council Jan. 2021
Challenge Day- SEL for students, Self-care for teachers
Any Other committee that would like to give a brief report
UPDATE from the Nurses:
Nurses are training to finalize new rapid antigen testing, piloted at Taft and Henry Ford
The tests are a quick nasal swab, read by nurses in about 15 minutes
The testing is being piloted for students and teachers at Taft and Henry Ford, tentatively scheduled to start as soon as Thursday, 2/4
Tests are funded by the state, tests by Abbott. RCSD is only 1 of 6 district chosen in CA
7. New Business: Proposed RCTA bylaw amendment
As it pertains to Article 17.3 Special Procedure for Class Size Waiver of the 2020-2023 CBA, The president will not sign a class size waiver for any untenured teacher.
Open for discussion:
District and Administration are not acknowledging the process laid out in the contract
Younger/untenured teachers should not be pressured into taking on more students
Typically untenured teachers are eager to please, or not wanting to say no- creating tension between teacher and admin.
Blanket no could be limiting, when considering how the waiver could be positive for example, a resulting split/combo class, or loss of students to another campus due to size.
Union representation needs to be present for the conversation, teachers should not be “strong armed” into this decision
Intention in how admin approaches teachers, in addition to union representation
When the district has issues with class size, they should not do first, then come to us. For example, they can put a student in our room, and then come to teachers to get waivers signed.
First 10 days are still a scramble, that's the district's allotted time to get students sorted.
8. Member Concerns
Some middle school students are returning in pods. All sites are doing their own plans, it seems inequitable for students, but teachers should not expect to go back despite guidelines saying 6th can return in purple and 7/8th can return in red.
MOU should not be modified, if needed, unless all teachers have been vaccinated
Reports that RCSD is working with lawyers to create policies/paperwork to ensure all teachers are vaccinated, this presents an issue for those who are not willing to vaccinate
There has not been any directive that vaccines HAVE to be administered. Teachers should be able to waive their right, will take back to RCSD/RCTA conversations
9. Announcements
- February 12th is not a minimum day. (unlike the Friday before our other long breaks)
-Paper copies of Current CBA at the DO…..but they are about to change.
-Non re-elects will be going out in the next couple of weeks.
Contact Michelle Territo if you have any questions, she will be present in the non re-elect
meetings (virtually)
-Ford computer switch day moved from 2/9 to 2/8 because of PD.
-Other announcements?
Meeting adjourned at: 5:03 pm
10 minute meeting To Do’s:
Share committee event dates
Share State Council Goodies
Discuss Bylaw amendment
Share Announcements
Share website and facebook pages
Unofficial Meeting notes are posted on the website after this meeting
Web: rctacares.com Facebook: @redwoodcityteachersassociation