RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda
Redwood City Teachers’ Association Rep. Council RCTA Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their
families, and the community of Redwood City.
Monday, March 1, 2021 4:00-5:30PM
Join Zoom Meeting
1. Call meeting to order at: 4:06 pm
2. Land Acknowledgment: With gratitude, we practice this work on the traditional lands of the Ohlone Nations. Intertribal Friendship House
3. Roll Call Site Reps: (✓present)
Rita Melton-Adelante/Selby ✓
Yessenia Bravo-Adelante/Selby
Carol Marque-Clifford ✓
Anum Khan-Garfield ✓
Sandra Covacha-Henry Ford ✓
Angie Teupel-Henry Ford ✓
Kevin Sugar-Hoover ✓
Julie Gordon-Kennedy
Ann Berljafa-Orion and Staff Development ✓
Jackie Kroner-Orion
Susanne Pillay-McKinley ✓
Brenda Whitla-Pinto-North Star
Chris Holm-Roosevelt
Maureen McPeek-Roosevelt ✓
Belinda Mendez-Roy Cloud ✓
Kim Combs-Taft ✓
Aida Ortiz-CDC
Bernadette Garcia-SDC preschool
Lisa Cox-Nurses
Diana Ayllon-Nurses ✓
4. Review and Approve 2/1/21 Minutes
Motion to approve 2/1/21 Minutes without objection
5. Generation Debt: Student Loan Forgiveness-Sean Mabey
Still have questions after today’s presentation? Contact Sean at smabey@neamb.com
In order to access NEA member benefits you must register at www.neamb.com/start
This is not just for new teachers, but for ALL teachers who have/want to continue their education.
CARES Act put student loans in deferment, and not accruing interest. Biden has extended this into September 30, 2021
Stafford Loans
Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program:for teachers who work 5 years straight in low income school. All of our RCSD sites (except Roy Cloud and North Star)
Up to $17,500 in loan forgiveness for Math/Science Secondary, SpEd/RSP teachers
Up to $5,000 in loan forgiveness for all other teachers
Application online on NEA website
* Loans apply to all student loan debt, no discrimination on degree type or credential program
Perkins Loans
Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program:for teachers who work 5 years straight in low income school. All of our RCSD sites (except Roy Cloud and North Star)
Special education at any school
15% cancelation per year for 1st/2nd years of service
20 % cancellation per year for 3rd/4th years
30% canceled for the 5th year
Public Service Loan Forgiveness:
Eligible for all public service individuals employed by a public school including nurses, custodians, instructional assistants, etc.
FedLoan is the only organization that can do this
Consolidate into Direct Loans
Complete Employment Certification for Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Enroll in qualifying repayment plan: Income Driven Repayment (IDR)
This is best for mass debt; over 30k+
NEA Student Debt Navigator will tell you which program will make the most sense for you and your finances. All NEA members can access this for free for the first year.
Other NEA Member Benefits:
All members have a No-Cost Life Insurance through NEA as well.
CTA Auto & Home Insurance via California Casualty.
6. Committee Reports
Climate Committee-Ann Berljafa
Monday, 2/22
Vaccinations are being offered for educators in San Mateo County, notify Erin Kekos if you are going outside of the San Mateo County Teachers sign-up
Myturn.ca.gov to sign up outside of SMCOE sign ups being sent out by RCSD
Return in Person
80% said they would return in person, RCSD is pushing to re-open at the end of this month/after Spring break.
RCSD is sending out parent surveys soon to gauge family interest in returning to school.
Teacher Burn-Out:
RCSD will be providing clinician appointments to address teacher burn out right now
Any committee that would like to give a brief report
Equity and Human Rights-Erinn Washburn
CTA Equity and Human Rights Conference
Bargaining-Brain Cagle
Friday, 2/26
Contract Negotiations for 21-22
Compensation Proposal:
Asking for 4% raise
Retention incentive, 5, 10, and 15 year incentive stipends to hold on to teachers
Additional column: Up to 105 credits
CDC Preschool gets a new column, and master’s degree stipend
8.1 and 8.2 Clarity:
Class size articles rewritten to make sense
Definition for class size(how many students are in your classroom) and contacts (how many students you see total in a day, in all classes)
8.4.4 Exceptional Circumstances
Clarifying some language for members
Article 14: Member Safety
Trying to add in language for teacher safety
Notifying procedures when receiving violent/aggressive students
Clarity for Injury coverage if injured by students
* RCTA is meeting Tuesday, 3/2 to discuss new MOU for a return to school in person this Spring, maybe as early as March 22.
7. Member Concerns
What are the limitations for travel over Spring Break?
How many families want to send students back?
If teachers do not want to return in person, teachers will most likely have to go through the interactive process. Await updated communications once RCTA goes to negotiations. RCTA will push out communication once we validate the terms of the new MOU.
What leaves are going to be in place for those who cannot return in person and do not qualify for the interactive process?
Have we looked at Sequoia’s plan, approving it this week?
How will safety protocols work for the mod/severe classes work, specifically students that cannot/will not tolerate masks?
How will we continue to roll out student and staff testing with all students back? Nurses are already reaching capacity testing students on campuses?
Each school has their own program flexibility for returning students to classrooms. Talk with your admin about your scheduling and flexibility to choose.
Limitations on immersion classes in hybrid? Teachers were told immersion teachers must be on campus only. If immersion families would like hybrid, students must attend an English-Only class, possibly on another site?
Are we doing SBAC testing this year?
Stipends for Nurses?
___________________________________________________________Did not do item 8.
8. Unfinished Business: Proposed RCTA bylaw amendment
Proposed language for RCTA bylaws (addition):
The RCTA president will discuss the circumstances of a class size waiver with the Executive Board. 3/5 vote of the Executive Board is required for the signing of a class size waiver.
The RCTA President will not sign off on class size waivers for non-tenured teachers, especially those in their first two years in the profession.
-Rep council vote on April 5th.
9. Announcements
-If you get your vaccine outside of the San Mateo County system that RCSD is working with, please let Erin Kekos know so that she can take your name off of the list.
-Any other announcements
Kim Combs is looking to job sharing next year 2021-2022 (50%) at Taft. Looking for someone who would work the first part of the day.
Meeting adjourned at: 5:41 pm
10 minute meeting To Do’s:
Minutes for this meeting will be posted on our website.
-Share Debt Forgiveness points
-Share relevant Committee Report points
-Share proposed bylaw amendment
-Share resources, FB page, website
Web: rctacares.com Facebook: @redwoodcityteachersassociation