RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda
Redwood City Teachers’ Association Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their
families, and the community of Redwood City.
Monday, May 3, 2021 4:00-5:30PM
Mrs. K’s Class at Roy Cloud reads We’re All Wonders
1. Call meeting to order at: 4:05 pm
2. Land Acknowledgment: With gratitude, we recognize that we practice this work on the traditional homelands of the Ramaytush Ohlone Nations. Intertribal Friendship House
3. Roll Call Site Reps: (✓present)
Rita Melton-Adelante/Selby ✓
Yessenia Bravo-Adelante/Selby ✓
Carol Marque-Clifford ✓
Anum Khan-Garfield ✓
Sandra Covacha-Henry Ford Steve Murray will take info back
Angie Teupel-Henry Ford
Kevin Sugar-Hoover ✓
Julie Gordon-Kennedy
Ann Berljafa-Orion and Staff Development
Jackie Kroner-Orion ✓
Susanne Pillay-McKinley ✓
Brenda Whitla-Pinto-North Star ✓
Chris Holm-Roosevelt
Maureen McPeek-Roosevelt ✓
Belinda Mendez-Roy Cloud ✓
Kim Combs-Taft
Aida Ortiz-CDC
Bernadette Garcia-SDC preschool
Lisa Cox-Nurses
Diana Ayllon-Nurses
4. Review and Approve 4/5/21 Minutes
Motion to approve minutes met without objection
5. Committee Reports
Negotiations Report:
CBA Tentative Agreement and ratification (If votes in by RCTA)
Compensation for 21-22 school year will be raised 4% on salary schedule
$1,500 Masters Degree stipend for CDC teachers
8.4.4 Exceptional Circumstances (changes/improvements to language)
MOU was signed for August 9-11 Mandatory PD paid per diem vs hourly
Approx 5 hrs each day
Training is mandatory, but can be made up by a later date (by Aug 24th) if members cannot make these training sessions as scheduled.
Class Size Article Proposal Denied
RCSD refused to negotiate the proposed changes to language/definitions around class size and contacts---CORRECTION NEEDED**
RCTA will send out ratification vote Form on Monday, May 3 PM, or Tuesday May 4 AM
Vote by May 14, 2021
Member Questions/Comments/Concerns:
K-2 class sizes temporarily decreased. It is NOT in the contract. It is not guaranteed to last after COVID funds run out.
Max class size for SPED/SDC?
Is there a difference between Mild/Mod-Mod/Sev.
Soft cap 12 students, based on Ed Code
SDC teachers are concerned with class sizes and overload on new, untenured teachers
SDC wants limited class size requirements
Retirement Committee:
End of year party and retiree honors
Collecting names of retirees and planning an event.
June 7th (Last Rep Council Meeting Day)
Pre-fixed dinner menu?
Look for eventbrite invite/RSVP coming soon
Executive Board:
8th Grade Scholarships (talk to 8th grade teams)
- $100 check awarded to two 8th grade students per middle school site
-Recipients names and addresses on Google Form needed by May 14th to Carol Marque
State Council:
Success in the New Economy Video Link- Adult, Alternative, Career & Tech. Ed Committee
Gender Identity and Gender Expression Constitutional Amendment
Prorated dues for rejoining/later joing members
Any other committee reports?
Request from Organizing Committee
Kevin Sugar is requesting more members to support the organizing committee
If you are interested in the organizing committee please rhea out! (ksugar@rcsdk8.net)
6. Unfinished Business:
VOTE on Proposed RCTA bylaw amendment
Proposed language for RCTA bylaws (addition): APPROVED (see voter info below)
The RCTA President will not sign off on class size waivers for non-tenured teachers, especially those in their first two years in the profession. Tenured teachers who request class size waivers also may not get approval from the RCTA executive board. The executive board will decide if a class size waiver is indeed in the best interest of the collective bargaining unit.
*Discussion (3 support, 3 opposed)
Supporting Speakers: Steve, Kevin
Opposing Speakers: Jennifer, Shannon
S=support, O=oppose
Rita Melton-Adelante/Selby S
Yessenia Bravo-Adelante/Selby S
Carol Marque-Clifford
Anum Khan-Garfield S
Sandra Covacha-Henry Ford Steve Murray Voted in place S
Angie Teupel-Henry Ford
Kevin Sugar-Hoover S
Julie Gordon-Kennedy
Ann Berljafa-Orion and Staff Development
Jackie Kroner-Orion S
Susanne Pillay-McKinley S
Brenda Whitla-Pinto-North Star S
Chris Holm-Roosevelt Kohlby Hong votes in place S
Maureen McPeek-Roosevelt S
Belinda Mendez-Roy Cloud S
Kim Combs-Taft
Aida Ortiz-CDC
Bernadette Garcia-SDC preschool
Lisa Cox-Nurses
Diana Ayllon-Nurses
7. New Business
Opportunity to serve and have a voice at administrative level:
District Wide Safety Committee (PBIS/Big 5) with Antonio Perez, Maria Stockton (CSEA), Andrea Garren
Is anyone interested?
Anum Khan graciously volunteered to be out RCTA Rep for this committee! Thanks Anum!
iReady Lunches!!!
Need: Number of staff, week of iReady testing, lunch time, pizza or sandwiches?
Sandwiches Erik’s Deli, Panera
Meals will include all staff on sites the week of iReady testing on sites.
Site Reps need to identify their testing dates for sites, number of staff on site, and any common area protocols on sites
Mail Numbers to Kevin Sugar ksugar@rcsdk8.net ASAP
8. Member Concerns
Preschool: “Would like clarification on why the extra money was not approved for additional work done. It was our understanding that the dollar amount for stipend work was to move up from $30 to $35 dollars.We had been waiting for this for some time now.”
RCSD did not move to approve this request
Art in Action: Can RCTA donate to community mural projects locally, by our students, through Art in Action
Extended Days and Schedules for 21/22
Principals are reorganizing schedules including extending days and moving start/end times.
Extra pay incentive for teachers who work “more” (like a zero period)
School Site Council: Concern members need to find out which teachers are on SSC to identify when your SSC meeting vote will take place and show up to speak. (Student-centered arguments will sway parent voters)
9. Announcements
21-22 Calendar and Aug. 9-11 PD (to be completed by Aug. 24th if unable to attend-paid per diem)
Board meeting on May 5th: Positive speakers? Positive, student-centered voices of RCTA.
RCSD/RCTA collaboration has been pretty successful and we would like to shine a positive light on our experiences since being back with students
Board Meeting Info: Wednesday May 5th 7PM
Volunteers: *send reminder for speaker cards
Jennifer Tanti
Kevin Sugar
Indra Hernandez
Meeting adjourned at: 5:35 pm
10 minute meeting To Do’s: Click on the links to view agenda bookmarks
Web: rctacares.com Facebook: @redwoodcityteachersassociation