Date: Monday, September 9, 2019
Location: Red Morton CAB: 1400 Roosevelt, Redwood City
Called to Order: Parliamentarian at 3:45.
Presentation of new parcel tax measure. Jason Galisatus RCEF Chair and Alicia McAvoy from the school board presented the case for the parcel tax campaign. They want the RCTA endorsement and support in campaigning and fundraising. They say that people want to hear from teachers and we will play an important role in the campaign. The campaign is a separate entity from the Education Foundation. Questions for the presenters: Alec Duncan would like to see a line item breakdown on what it would cost to lower the size of Kindergarten and First. Alicia McAvoy shared that the parcel Tax money discussed at Board Meeting. This money would stay at the district office in the general fund to help with the overall budget. At this point there is no salary increase put into the budget for next year. If the Parcel Tax passes it would help to have a one percent salary increase for teachers for the next twelve years. A 1% increase for teachers would cost $400,000+. A 1% for all employees would cost $700,000+. Class size reduction would cost $670,000 for 6 more teachers to reduce class size in K and 1. Charter schools. We have to share the money with the charter schools they get 10% of the money raised. PTOs and PTA’s are contributing McAvoy School Board Trustee. Parcel Tax is for 12 years. Fundraiser for the parcel tax on September 15th.
RCTA Parcel Tax Discussion Endorsement.
Steve we should endorse. Would like to see more oversight.
Questions on Parcel Tax: We need to know what money the district actually has. Concern over how much should go to the charter schools. Will the money prevent further closures. Seems like the District has an agenda before they bring to school level and only bring it us to say they asked. Kevin, is any of this parcel tax going to pay off debt from previous bond measure. How much is it parcel? Too much for charter schools. Many want to know how the money will be utilized. How is the amount to the charters figured? How will the money be allocated for literacy coaches. Is this for people or resoures and programs? Will there be union representation and oversight?
Erin reminded us that Jason said Prop H is for STEM, literacy coaches, reducing size in K-1 and teacher retention.
Ann will write down questions and bring to board. An email will be sent out to Site Reps to take a vote on whether or not we will endorse and contribute. Reps feel that they need clarification on these issues before they vote. We will vote on the endorsement by email.
Introductions: All introduced themselves.
Site Collaboration and Reports (2 min. masterpiece)
Clifford: New Principal, teacher workload an issue as in the rest of the district. Ford: new principal, Hoover: issue with keeping the campus clean, resource people are being pulled on a regular basis for subbing, resource teachers have been pulled five times each, Nurses: short of staff four nurses before and one LVN. We have seven students with diabetes. A new person started late last week. Working on schedule of when they will be visiting schools. MIT: New part time VP, smaller school, nice group of teachers, Taft: staff meeting with many new people, SDC preschool on site now, construction, moving parking lot. Kipp is gone now. New teachers, Bilingual program is now half day English and half day in Spanish, Bilingual method is changing, Adelante/Selby Lane: the size of the campus is the main issue, feels very disconnected, parking is not going well, bell schedule, principal wants teachers at the line at 8:10, but school starts at 8:15. 3, 4, and 5th they have 15 recess but the bell rings at 10 minutes so the kids line up and only get a 10 minute recess, Kennedy: still constructing the office supposed to be done by the end of August, not done, now have half time principal again along with a full time principal and full time half time vice principal, losing instructional assistants, they have no say in their position and then when they are moved they are quitting, Roosvelt: adjusting to having a big school (over 800), a teacher got a warning today Michelle Territo will talk to Roosevelt Rep: Roy Cloud: principal has been more positive, children coming in with special ed needs that are not being dealt with, teachers dealing with violent students, Staff Development: Orion/Mandarin Immersion: big transition, only two teachers left from the original Orion Program, the kids seem happy. North Star: new vice principal shared with MIT, minor repair work has been done question about what happened to all the money from the bond measure, 5 minutes added to the school day, CDC: for three years had to stay until 4:15 on Thursday once each month. Now the meetings are ending at 4:00 p.m. Kevin was thanked for his intervention.
General Feedback: Brian: We are delivering our Sunshine Proposal tomorrow. This officially begins the bargaining process. First bargaining session is on October 17th. Last time we tried to equalize instructional minutes only to find out that we can’t bargain instructional minutes. We can bargain the working hour is seven hours. As a result of our efforts to equalize they cynically added instructional minutes. Cloud eliminated lunchtime on Thursday, the children can get lunch after school, but they have to have someone supervising.
Erin Washburn is joining the bargaining teach of Brian Cagle and Cathy Sheckter.
Board Meeting Report: Sandy Hoover - no report
Committee Membership (organizing, membership, elections, grievance, _____________) no reports
Treasurer’s Report
We have a lot in savings. Steve doubled the donations amount allowed. We can pay for conferences out of savings as well as the amount in the budge. We don’t have to do audits any more. This use to cost us $3,000 per year. Part of our dues goes to our PAC fund. Members can opt out of this. Site Reps were given the forms to offer to members.
On a happy note, Garfiled now has a rep, Erin Washburn.
Motion to approve the budget: Passed.
7. Questions or Concerns:
New Business:
School Lunches
CPR/First Aid/AED
CTA Conference Grants
Adjourned at: 5:20 p.m.
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