Date: Monday, October 7, 2019
Location: Red Morton CAB: 1400 Roosevelt, Redwood City
Food served at 3:30
Called to Order: 4:00 p.m.
Minutes: Motion to approve. Passed.
Motion to accept the agenda with flexibility: Passed.
Site Collaboration and Reports (2 min. masterpiece): Roosevelt: up to 800+ students, teachers all working together, can’t take pictures of students for disciplinary reasons, would like clarification, workload for upper grade made more difficult by no curriculum for four years, just google drive and PDF’s - When is the district going to buy us a science curriculum? (Victoria - We (at Clifford) are piloting science this year.)This has not communicated to other schools. In addition, Math/Science teachers are being asked to teach ELD. Clifford: happy with new principal. Workload an issue. No copy paper, some grade levels have to copy curriculum from the net. Internet connectivity issues. Kennedy: construction is coming along. No speech and language provider at our school. Adelante/Selby Lane: questions about MOU. BCLAD certified teachers should be getting a stipend as teachers without a BCLAD were made to leave the school. Since BCLAD is a requirement to work at the school all teachers should get stipend regardless of their assignment. North Star: more demands for work outside of normal hours, supposed to be a seven hour day, More testing is putting more demands on teachers. Nurses: please be patient, we are still catching up, nurses need a month’s notice if you need them to go on a field trip with you (usually this issue is a student with diabetes). Workload with special ed dept. Is an issue. SPED is short on a nurse. The district (health and wellness) nurses have to cover. Sometimes they have to ride the bus with a student. Staff Development: 8 SEAL schools and 5 coaches, expected to be at all MTSS, SEAL and NUA training. All feeling pushed to the limits. Orion/Mandarin/Gill: (OMG): Portables are an issue for some students getting headaches and respiratory issues. Staff is well meshed. Workload is incredible. We have students with severe behavior issues. Untrained aides are being asked to do the job of inclusion specialists. Asked for an inclusion specialist. Were told there are no longer inclusion specialists. CDC: Workload, some did not get the survey. Carol explained that she may not have the personal emails. Please, share them with her. Taft: Things seem to be going well, combo class teacher is feeling overwhelmed with the workload. Henry Ford: Overworked and emotionally drained. The technology we being told to do is too much. We feel it is too much screen time for the kids. We have many newcomers, instructional minutes were added to the day, more contact time with kids less time to prep, not time to plan or talk about the new curriculum program. Need more time for logistics at staff meetings. Hoover: people feeling overworked, many combo classes, after school dismissal time need more supervision safety issue for children, extended the parking lot, but took away the garden. Newcomers are being placed in English only classrooms. Roy Cloud: workload, principal is not honoring the four year evaluation procedure. Giving the excuse that they are a new administrator to the school. Kevin - Principal cannot deny these. Exceptional circumstances - being denied without any reason. Grievance (Carold reported out for Michelle): No report. Needs to be clarified that free Thursday, you need to stay on campus but dictate own time. Still have to work the seven hour day.
Discussion: Kevin - BCLAD portion of the MOU can be renegotiated. If you are using the BCLAD in the classroom you should be compensated. Exceptional Circumstances: Kevin - It is going to be reassessed in negotiations. Trying to see if it can be improved before we get rid of it all together. May go back to original language that IEP students will be counted as two students. Sandy Hoover - we need to give data to the negotiating team.
Outdoor Ed compensation: Angie from Ford would like it to be increased. Other districts pay $200 per day, our teachers are paid far less.
Kevin: Site Reps: Look at the agenda and the tems to discuss on the bottom. Please discuss these items and also be sure to get the personal emails from your staff members.
Final Sunshine Proposals: available on line.
Measure H: Ann there is a sign up link that could be sent out teachers through their personal email. Motion to donate $3,000 to the Measure H from RCTA PAC. Passed. (1 opposed).
Motion to Extend meeting time. Passed.
Kevin: RCSD MTSS Problem Solving Process: Document shared with the Board stating that: This statement was stated as a reason by Latino students are not performing at grade level. “There is a lack of Belief in our Latino students to reach high academic levels. Clifford feels we should be apologized to publicly.” The why reasons for this all involve prejudice of lack of educational strategies of teachers.
Motion: Those individuals who drafted this statement to come to our next rep council meeting. Passed. (1 opposed, 1 abstention)
Committee Membership (organizing, membership, elections)
Executive Board Reports
President: Recent Board report; CA Assembly Bills Passage;
Vice President
New Business
Upcoming elections: State Council Elections and Executive Board are all up for elections. Need volunteers to be part of the elections committee. Victoria suggested that we send out an email and ask for volunteers for election committee. Aida Ortiz de Aguilar from CDC volunteered to be on the election committee with Steve. Belinda Mendez and Cristina Granato will be membership committee.
Motion to Adjourn: 5:30:
Previous Business: CPR; Charter School Assembly Bills;
Adjourned at:
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School Site or Department
Hold the 10 Minute Meeting
Workload Survey
Retirement Workshop Email Wednesday Oct. 9
Site Rep Training