RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda
Redwood City Teachers’ Association Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their families, and the community of Redwood City.
Monday, April 4, 2022 3:30-5:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
1. Call meeting to order at: 3:36 pm
2. Land Acknowledgement: We are doing this work on the unceded land of the Ohlone Nations.
1 2 3
2.1 Breath
3. Roll Call and check in- Elected Site Representatives (✓ present)
Adelante Selby-Rita Melton and Yesenia Bravo ✓ ✓
Roy Cloud-Belinda Mendez and Maureen McPeek ✓
Roosevelt-Kohlby Hong and Chris Holm ✓ ✓
Hoover-Kevin Sugar
Clifford- Jennifer Tanti ✓
Orion-Jackie Kroner ✓
North Star-Jacob Havey ✓
Garfield-Anum Khan
MIT-Susanne Pillay
Kennedy-Cindy Meek ✓
Taft-Kerry Benjamin and Kim Combs ✓
Henry Ford-Angie Teupel and Sandra Covacha ✓
SDC Preschool - Bernadette Garcia
Preschool -Aida Ortiz
Independent Study- Rebecca Robinson ✓
4. Approval of the Minutes
Motion to approve 3/7/22 minutes met without objection
5. Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report- Steve Murray
2021-2022 Budget: Approved 12/6/21
Dues increase will be reflected on April pay stub.
Balance Checking: $78,274.28
Balance Savings: $50,405.28
March expenses: $1,334.31
March dues disbursement: $5,651
Erinn’s salary has not been taken out yet, still waiting for RCSD
Can we spend some money on teachers for lunch or something for teacher appreciation in May for RCTA members?
Elections Committee: Steve Murray
45/306 members voted
President: Erinn Washburn
Vice President: Joan Solari
Treasurer: Steve Murray
Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer Tanti
Recording Secretary: Christina Granato
NEA RA State Delegates: Yesenia Bravo, Erinn Washburn
NEA RA Local Delegate: Jacob Havey
Roles and responsibilities of Executive Board Members can be found in our bylaws.
Organizing Committee: Kevin Sugar, Erinn Washburn
Camelia Vega and Amy Barstad are the winners of California Casualty $50 gift card raffle!
RCTA Night Out
Camelia Vega (North Star), Jacob Havey will check back to ensure delivery of gift card
Amy Barstad (Henry Ford), Angie Teupel will check back to ensure delivery of gift card
Retirement Committee: - Belinda Mendez, Erinn Washburn, Kohlby Hong, Kevin Sugar
RSVP by May 13th
Need names by Friday, April 28th.
Need grade levels and number of years in the district from a few…
Jenn Tanti will reach out to get years of Service in RCSD for Michelle M.
Chris Holm will reach out to get years of Service in RCSD for Jan Marsh
Kohlby Hong will reach out to get years of Service in RCSD for Nancy Stevenson-Smith (10 years)
End of year/ Retirement Party:
The Office Bar and Grill
- Date: Thursday, May 26 (waiting for confirmation)
- Time: 3:30-6:30pm
Calendar Committee: Erinn Washburn, Pam Barsch
RCSD is trying to align with Sequoia HS district’s calendar; it is up in the air while Sequoia HS figures out their calendar
Human Rights and Equity Committee: Erinn Washburn, Natalie Delahunt, Emily Farrell
-May 4th-Sweet Kicks at MIT
- After-school event for our GSA club students and staff to come together
-The Parent Venture: Dr. Donald Grant (Mindful Training Solutions) ”Talking to Kids About Race, Culture and Inclusion-Thursday, April 21st.
-Privilege Activity Wheel of Privileged and Power
Climate Committee: Sigrid McCarthy, Silvia Antonelli, Chelsea Williams, Anum Khan, Erinn Washburn
Potential for Instrumental music offered 5-8
Potential for Virtual weekly music classes for all 4th grade classrooms.
Structure of our Technology department is changing next year.
New director in the technology department (no more Kyle B.)
Any additional input to discuss:
Facilities: Bathrooms are not fixed at Kennedy. Staff restroom by PE locker room, out for 2 months.
Outsourced positions in RCSD; Some vacancies not listed for internal transfer, like independent study and some PE (K-5 mostly). Shouldn’t these be opened up for all.
Independent Study: Teachers have been pink slipped, but RCSD has not budgeted for this. CA may still require independent study in public, so RCSD is waiting for the state budget. At least fly vacancies through to internal employees first.
Student Behavior and Admin: Some admin are not equipped to handle conflict resolution with our higher profile behaviors. We hear restorative justice, but we are not seeing it as a community. Handling issues behind closed-doors isn’t restorative justice. Teachers should get this too, but admin especially. Yard duties need training too!
Recycling: What is district protocol for recycling, what is recycled, what is not? Is there consistency across sites on this? - Susanne Dunlap (Adelante-Selby)
Membership Committee:-Christina Granato ms.granato26@gmail.com
Address changes for CTA database-Christina Granato ms.granato26@gmail.com
Grievance Committee: Michelle Territo, Belinda Mendez
Process and Timeline:
Site Reps need to have a meeting with admin, or whomever is violating our contract to try to resolve the issue before filing an official grievance.
Reach out to Michelle Territo if you have any questions, or if it's time to grieve
Bargaining Team: Brian Cagle, Michelle Territo, Erinn Washburn, Jenn Tanti
Contract CliffsNotes
To be presented at May 2nd rep council meeting
Coming soon! Easy to read, abbreviated version of our high traffic contract articles
State Council Representative: Erinn Washburn
CalSTRS: Divesting from Fossil fuels-not yet…SB1173
Sped legislation to put student/class size caps in place
Legislation for regional Native American curriculum.
RCTA New/Renewed Protocols
Report out 1-2 minutes for updates on what is happening at your sites, and/or what’s coming up soon!
Adelante Selby Reps: Planning Columbia State Park for Gold Country camping field trip. Also, brought back the STEM Fair. Yesenia is looking for a shake table to simulate earthquakes
Clifford Reps: First family auction since 2019 ( roaring 20’s), indoor dance for MS by student council (fantasyland), 8th grade transitions. 8th getting ready to go to DC. Teen Talks in 7th grade
Garfield Reps: Not present
Henry Ford Reps: ELPAC testing, Preparing for annual fundraiser silent auction/raffle, getting ready for outdoor ed 5th (3-4 weeks out). Enrollment concerns (almost lost a K class/teacher for next year), lost a whole class to North Star enrollment
Hoover Reps: Not present
Kennedy Reps: Dance coming up in May, fundraiser fun run coming up, first in person staff meeting Tues. 4/5/22, 6th grade team will have Greek Day for SS, ELPAC testing has started too.
Orion Reps: Walk-a-thon before break for a group in Kenya was a success, first time to have Orion’s traditional cultural fair (by grade level)
McKinley Reps: Not present
North Star Reps: Just had a Bollywood-themed fundraiser, 8th grade just returned from DC, MS dance at the end of April/Early May.
Roosevelt Reps: 8th graders went to Yosemite before February, starting ELPAC testing, Teen Talks in 7th grade, heavy loss of teachers, some are transferring, losing almost half of MS staff for 22-23, VP retirement, other VP moving to MIT as principal
Roy Cloud Reps: 5 and 6 outdoor ed, jog a thon next week, new principal joining cloud soon.
Taft Reps: First on campus assembly, slowly easing back into community events on campus, construction is almost finished,
CDC Preschool Reps: plan for TK to come to preschool classrooms, misunderstandings and miscommunication causing some confusion for teachers, director visited the classrooms to talk with teachers about the change to “survey” the staff, but many feel like it was a directive more than questions. Waiting to see what will happen to preschool and TK merging.
SDC Preschool Reps: Not present
Independent Study Reps: A lot of student movement in and out of independent study. There is a lack of connection/communication across these transfers. Many parents want to remain online, some for COVID, some because students are thriving. Teachers have been pink slipped due to lack of budget funding by RCSD
6. Announcements:
August 8, 9, 10 PD days are paid per diem or 4.5 PGCE units.
Fill out the sign in sheets to be compensated.
If you do not attend, you will not be compensated.
Anyone want to job-share next year?
Some members are inquiring. If you are interested in job-share opportunities, reach out to Erinn Washburn
SPSL-This leave will become available for use on February 19, 2022 and is retroactive to January 1, 2022 for qualifying absences.
If you have taken leave between 1/1/2022-2/19/2022 for Covid related reasons, you can apply to use this leave by completing this form.
If you were taking care of an immediate family member (in household) due to COVID this still counts as a qualified absence.
Positive Covid cases after spring break: 4 teachers, 6 students
7. Member Concerns:
-Garfield-New Beginning Community Church donated $16,500 and suggested an SEL program through RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics- website
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm
10 minute meeting To Do’s:
1. Get a list of all RCTA retirees on your site. Retiree Form that anyone can fill out
2. End of Year/Retirement Party will be held on __________
3. August 8,9,10 PD day compensation
4. Come to May 2nd rep council meeting for Contract CliffsNotes presentation
5. Next RCTA Rep Council May 2nd, 2022
Web: rctacares.com Facebook: @redwoodcityteachersassociation