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August 24, 2020 Minutes

Writer's picture: Erinn WashburnErinn Washburn

Date: August 24th, 2020 4:00-5:30PM

Location: Zoom Meeting ID: 978 6793 2993


1. Call meeting to order at: 4:07 pm

2. Welcome Erinn Washburn-President

EW: We appreciate your attendance, it is very busy and stressful right now so thank you for giving us your time! Prioritizing the union gives us a voice in our district!

The hyperlinks attached to these minutes are all available to be viewed and reviewed as you’d like.

3. Elections: Steve Murray-Elections Chair

Site Representative

Declaration of Candidacy: by Friday, Aug. 28th

Vote: Sept. 2-3rd

SM: RCTA news will send out election notices today (8/24) for site rep (*see hyperlink to Google Form above to declare yourself a candidate). ]

  • If you’d like to run for site representative at your site, please fill out this form by

  • Allocated number positions are identified on the form per site (10/1 representation allowed per site)

  • Look out for the announcement for Site Rep Elections ASAP. Candidacy for site reps need to be filled out by Friday, August 28

What is a Site Rep?

  • Site reps are the communication for their site. They listen to the teachers on their site, and bring any issues to the RCTA site rep meetings to ensure we are supporting all sites.

  • Site reps also share out union business once a month to site employees, and report to Site Rep Council meetings once a month to share out concerns with RCTA representing your site.

  • Off-Site limitations site reps, it is super important to collect personal emails/phone numbers (NO RCSDK.NET emails, across grade spans, to coordinate virtual meetings for your site teachers (NO ADMIN). Typically these meetings are coordinated after staff meetings, when admin exits… can be done this way virtually as well, with permissions from admin.

Executive Board

Interim Recording Secretary- Kohlby Hong

Interim Vice President- Meaghan Blackburn

Declaration of Candidacy: email by Friday, Aug. 28th

Vote: Sept. 8-10

SM: Be on the lookout for Special Election candidacy notice as well for RCTA Vice President and Recording Secretary positions coming in your email. Candidacy for these two positions can be sent to Erinn Washburn.

Candidacy for VP and Recording Secretary need to be filled out by Friday, August 28.

*These are formal elected positions, so look out for your official ballot from Simply Voting

2. Budget: Steve Murray-Treasurer


Vote will be held at our next meeting (Sept. 14th) when we have our newly elected Rep. Council

CTA presents minimum dues amount to receive arbitration support (legal help) to help members if lawyers need to get involved in RCTA business.

RCTA Budget a

$165 dues/member/month comes to $58, 514

RCTA Budget b

$185 dues/member/month comes to $65,754

  • CTA arbitration support!

  • Biggest shift covers more scholarships/donations and committee member stipends increase

  • Bigger contingency for Political Action funds

  • More money to send members to conferences

Another part to work on is what to do with RCTA savings; How can we use our funds to support members, support our community, etc.?

These budget plans will be voted on at the next Rep Council meeting, by elective site reps.

Budget plans will be sent out by Carole Marque soon!

There are no requirements for attendance during independent study.

There are no extra duties required of teachers with independent study studnets.

  1. Students do not attend any google meets or class or school meetings nor receive any direct instruction lessons from their teacher

  2. Students will complete all assignments in their classes on the platforms (SeeSaw or Google Classroom)

  3. Students are required to turn in all assignments. Due dates are flexible and should be discussed with the teacher for the purposes of grading and keeping pace with the rest of the class.

  4. Teachers will grade assignments normally.

  5. Your teacher will schedule a time every 2 weeks to check in with families for 15 minutes. This time is not for teacher instruction.

Wendy Kelly held an optional meeting on Thursday 8/20 at 3:15 for further clarification and reassurance.

Wendy also asked me to say that she is thrilled with the staff who have stayed on board through all of this. She wants you to know how grateful she is and that she is willing to offer support wherever she can. If there is anything you need, please reach out to your principals, and management will do their best to meet those needs.

Students on independent study should not attend Google Meets at all. Parents who sign up are informed that it is their role to ensure they support their student. NO extra time should be spent on the work for these students.

Check ins ARE NOT instructional meeting times. They are simply check-ins

Families can opt out of independent studies and return to out “normal” distance learning with the rest of the class.

Families that approach us about independent study should be directed to your principal and Wendy Kelly.

4. Welcome your new members

-invite them to RCTA meetings

-invite them to join a committee with you

-invite them to a CTA conference

-offer to help when you can

New members are probably feeling super isolated. Please invite them to join meetings, committees, join CTA, offer up support! We love new members and we need to show them our support as fellow RCTA members.

All contacts should be limited to personal emails, no school emails.

5. Membership Form: Christina Granato-Membership Chair

Help us keep our database updated. Please fill out this membership form by August 31st.

CTA cards will be send directly to members this year, but please update your addresses in the

  • Use the Membership form linked above to update your info!

  • Membership form will be sent to school email as well to cover all members’ updated information for CTA!

5. Committee Survey will go out to school emails on Aug. 25th (?)

  • Need election committee

Steve is leading treasury and elections and we need an elections chair and committee to

help set up a timeline and schedule for pushing out elections

  • Need organizing team

Kevin Sugar is the Organizing Chair, but needs some other members to step up and

help organize RCTA events,

  • Responsible for putting together activities and functions, happy hours, socials, etc

  • Looking for some folks to start a community outreach team

    • The vision is to provide support in our community through drives, donations, collections to improve our community

  • Looking to start a parent liaison committee so we can stay connected with families to have a mutually supportive coalition and message.

    • Meet with PTO/A to involve teachers and members with parent organizations. We are trying to unify all our community members.

If you are interested in any committees, please check out the link above (Committee Survey).

6. Check out our website

Thanks to Lydia Krooss who will keep the Facebook page updated.

There is a community tab for us members to comment and post on

  • Good eye? Tech savvy? Interested in serving your union?

We’re looking for a webmaster.

7. Distance Learning Concerns? Erinn will be taking these issues to RCSD


Materials were missing when students had pickups


Not enough, some tech issues have not been resolved

Work Load:

Incredible increase in workload is acknowledged right now


Why is facilities hoarding PPE and cleaning supplies?

8. Other Concerns?

  1. No WiFi at Adelante-Selby

  2. Admin calling for Wednesday meeting this week

  • NO Admin can schedule meetings (staff, IEP, etc.) Wednesday is protected planning time, and is contracted as un-interrupted.

  • Admin should not schedule anything for teachers on Wednesdays and hold teachers accountable to “choose” to go. There should not be guilt-based decisions on any site.

  1. Workload: Teaching bell to bell live, grading, planning, being asked create, add-to, update websites daily, seasoned teachers can’t keep up; workload is just insane. New curriculum pushouts to be learned. Electives require excess planning. 12-14 hour days everyday, plus weekends.

  1. Tech tools are not working for students, or in large meets. Technology issues are taking up a lot of time, and parents are getting frustrated with teachers who cannot stop to troubleshoot student tech issues during class.

  1. Wipes/PPE: Aren’t we supposed to have plenty of access to cleaning and PPE supplies?

  1. Preschool/SDC needs site reps to help support different employees who are under-represented. We need reps for these members!

  1. 8 hour teachers: (6.5 hour prep + 30 min duty free lunch) Directors cannot require meetings that occupy time over the 1 hour left on the 8hr clock.

  1. RSP: Workload is insane especially with these crazy schedules, some are reporting 10 hour work days/7 per week.

  1. Construction Issues: No Wifi, no running water, loud/disruptive sounds during work day, Copiers not working, limited work space not safe.

  1. Admins pushing out direction to find bilingual supports to support teachers needing help translating. This is solely the responsibility of admin and office staff to help support and/or provide stipends to those being asked to translate.

  1. Parents videotaping lessons, students snapchatting during class, parents abusing student email access, parents pushing into video chats. Serious privacy issues. Liz Wolfe has said that the district is addressing these privacy issues, but teachers need to keep their eyes open, and report any misuse of technology by parents or students.

  1. Instructional Assistants: What is their role? CDC reports that there is no need to have 4 adults in a Google Meet for 6 students. Is there a way to be more efficient with IA placements?

  2. We don’t have google voice or classroom phones connected on some sites, but are being asked to reach out to parents, yet not given the means to do so if parent does not sign up for Remind, email , etc.

*67 blocks phone numbers for teachers desperate to reach families via phone and protect privacy

9. Meeting Suggestions? What do you want to accomplish here?

10 Minute Meeting topics(SITE REPS- These are your topics this month)

2. Independent Studies info. (open from district account)

3. Fill out membership Form by Aug. 31:

5. New members join CTA at

Until then, who will carry out the duties of site rep? Acting Site Reps until election takes place

Nurses: Lisa Cox

Staff Development: Ann Berljafa

Adelante/Selby: Yesenia Bravo

Clifford: Sandy Hoover

Garfield: Anastacia Stamates?

Henry Ford: Angie Teupel

Hoover: Heather Farrar

Kennedy: Julie Gordon?

MIT: ______________

Northstar: Bruce Robinson?

Orion: Ann Berljafa

Roosevelt: Lisa Bambuger

Roy Cloud: Belinda Mendez

Taft: _____________

CDC: Aida Ortiz

SDC Preschool: ____________

Meeting Adjourned at: 5:37

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